22:30 @ Wed/Mer-30-Nov-2022. Go with the flow. Enter the next episode. Locke&Key. Dies wird dann für heute mein letzter Beitrag sein. 89 Minutes to Midnight. Numerologie + Zahlenmystik. 264 days seit 11-Mar-22. Day 264=21-Sept (1130 Stephen King). Bibliothek des Weltwissens. 292 Aquarius + 1930 Pluto. Und nun mal wieder zurück zur Arche, zu unserer geliebten 2305 Titania, ein unsinkbares Schiff. Black Pearl 2000 + 305 Poseidon. 2444 Triton als Wächter. Hemisphärenhälften: Titan (Sat) – Oberon +Titania (UR). Dreigesichtiger Januskopf. 1912 Titianic +110. 2406 Mensch-Tier-Interlinker. 833 Mondbasis und Translunarkanal. Rheinpegel bei 242 cm (Day 242 = Aug-30 / 3008 Elyseum). 242=2×121. 121 Eleven-Squared + May-Day. 121+334=455. 375 Felix = Binärbewusstsein. Cyber-Spore+Weltenei im WWW. Gold-Käfig, Drahtgestellt, Gittergerüst. Independence of Cyerspace, Netzneutralität. Binär-Plasmid-Ring. Sub-Space-Channel. Planetenoberfläche, Mittelerde, Hohlweltinnenraum. Verbindungsaufbau… Hail on all frequencies. Receiver – Amplifier – Tuner. Kommunikationsplattform und Begegegnungsstätte. User-Server-Avatar. Inkarnationstourismus. Vergnügungs- und Freizeitplanet. Saturn + 82 Monde. Bi-83. Zwischenhändler, Mediator, Vermittlung, Operator. 2426 Bilateral-Konnektor. 29 Drachenschiffe in Vormationsflug, Auto-Pilot, Mann im Mond + Eye in Sky. Warenhaus, Lagerhalle, Speicherstadt. Transportzylinder und Rohrpost. Wirklichkeitsabbildung im Cyberspcae, Digital-Prisma zur Auffächerung und Diversifikation, 1:144.000. Die 600er-Brücke… 2329 und 2923. primes 9+Ten and 10+Nine. Bidirektionalkanal. 7 Kanaren : 5 Balearen. Mittelmeerraum – Schwarzes Meer – Bodensee – Ostsee.

  • 357 + 430 = 787 (#138 Alter-Elbtunnel. 09-Oct-21 : 27-Apr-22) 430-357= 73-Ta/#21. Großer Tümmler 99-Es
  • 346 + 424 = 770 (Straße von Gibraltar. Tarifa am 09-Oct-12) 424-346= 78-Pt (+Anzahl Tarotkarten, 12er-Würfel)
  • ———————————-> 346+424 2339/2939 Blauwal 39-Y
  • 351 + 429 = 780 (Heiko P. TEN x 78.) 429-351=78-Pt Gewöhnlicher Delfin 71-Lu/#20
  • 350 + 426 = 776 (Flug-Narhase) 426-350= 76-Os Schwertwal/Orca 57-La
  • 343 + 421 = 764 (John Rawls) 421-343 = 78-Pt Naturgeister / Engel 09-F
  • Von 343 (2309 – 23.9. Ölbaum, Day 266) to 430: Differenz 87-Fr (3×29). Sum: 773#137 IKEA, 2999-2309= 690 Waschbär.

  • 2300/2900 52-Te x 100. Heil-Delfin + Finalwal
  • Null-Fünf: Arche (ohne Wale)
  • ELF: Doppel-Gleis Zwillings-Spur
  • 15 Schaf/sheep 607 # 111
  • 14 Pferd 2007
  • 16+17 Hunde-Quartett Dog-418
  • DSH: 18 + 66 + 90
  • 21 Galloway-Rind
  • 30 Zink: Indischer Schweinswal ISW
  • 33-As Black Angus Rind
  • 35-Br(om) Hasenstall
  • Beagle # 161: 42-Mo + 82-Pb + 84-Po
  • 47-Ag Widderkanninchen
  • 48-Cd unechter Schwertwal
  • 54-Xe Berner Sennenhund 45
  • 62-Sm Golden Retriever 111
  • 69-Tm Rinder
  • 74-W Narwal (+774)
  • 75-Re Schafe
  • 76-Os Hunde: 99+153=252
  • 77-Ir Airedale Terrier 7
  • 78-Pt Welsh Terrier 78
  • 83-Bi Schneehase
  • 85-At Hannoveraner Pferd
  • 87-Fr Schafe

23:11 Zwillingswal, Doppelgleis. Go with the Flow. Enter the NExt episode. 49 Minutes to Midnight. Geisterstunde. 152 Tage bis zum 01-05-23 (1523 #241), 76-Os days: 14-Sept-22 / 13-Feb-23. Die Zeit rast, zerinnt mir zzwischen den Fingern. Tauscher. Balkenwaage. Schwimmblase + Balast-Tanks. Checkliste. Reiseproviant, Werkzeugkiste, Erste-Hilfe-Koffer. 42 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Drop-Box. Postlagernd. PO Box. Einschreiben + Rückschein. 1923 +99y. 854 Palmblattbibliothek, 855 Postkartennetzwerk, 856 AMF-Kladden: Direktverbindung zum Cyberspace und Spiegeluniversum, Multiplikationsautomatismis. Wolsfwinkel 2805 auf dem Holodeck 836. 2805-836=1969 Mondlandung (Apollo 11+12 in 69, 14+15 in 71, 16+17 in 72). Originalabschrift + 2 Durchschläge = 8. Quadratur des KReises. Jede Schreiber-Einheit ist immer 4. Es entstehen als 4 Abschriften + 4 x 2 Durchschläge. also 12: 2790 Seestern (fünfarmig). + 210 = 3M. Stanleitung. Big-Brother-Haus Erde. Interplanetares Fernsehnetzwerk. Truman-Show. 2011 Hammonia. H-und-H-und-H-und-H. Leuchtturm, Feuerschiff, Signalboje, Nebelhorn.

11:21 pm It’s time to take a stand. Jury-Duty. Full citizienship. 11:22 Light a candle. NAtive Speaker.

11:24 2880 Ford Country Day Scholl, LAH. Four score and seven years ago… I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, with liberty and justicce for all. We hold these truths to be self evident… Declaration of Independece, Bill of Rights, Ammendments. 2525 Statue of Liberty. Lewis and Clark Trail. Ivy LEague. Scholarship. Sports Illustrated. Shopping Cart. 11:28 Half Moon Bay. Sausolito. Santa Cruz. Nappa Valley. San Luis Obispo. Eureka. Portland. Seattle. Vancouver (Island), British Columbia. Pacific Ocean. AT&T. Spirit Airlines. Giants (Baseball), 49ers (Football). 11:29pm. Fishing, Hunting, Hiking. Scuba Diving. Recall from memoryy. Why was I sent to Europe, what was my mission. 761 Hewlett Packard. Stanford University, Menlo Park. 1643 Grant Road, Mountain View. 1373 Pritcett Court, Los Altos. Springer, Fremont, El Camino Real. Values, Virtues, Vices. 42 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. 647 San Andreas Fault. Quake and shake. 2880 Morgan Manor. Pinewood Middle School. High School + College. Las Vegas, Nevada. NAtive Americans. Pen Pals. Graduation. Promotion. Paycheck. New World Order. Special Forces. Covert Operations. 998 PKD. Bay Area, Silicon Valley. Thanksgiving 1986: Everglades, Florida Keys, Chinese Food. Salt Lake City, Utah. Alberquerque. Lake Taho. Mono Lake. Flagstaff, Phoenix. Copper Mine. Fishing. Fishermans Wharf. Cable Car. Christmas Season. Magic. Spirituality. Inquiry. Search. Itinery. Collectiove Memory Bank, Common Sense, Universal Mind. positronic brain. Software + Hardware. Transcendence. Cospiracy Theory. World Denomination. Freedom of Speech. Restricted Areas. Caution. Warning. No Trespassing. World of Warcraft. Game Developer, Programmer. Computer Science. Med School. For Help: Press One. No Vacancy. Please Hold the Line. Please try again later. Return to Sender. ATM. Post Office. Knowledge and Wisdom. Light, Life, Love. Latin, French, Hebrew. State of Mind. NEver Give Up, Never Surrender. GATTACA. The Voyage Home. Eternals. On What There IS. What the People Think. Veil of Ignorance. Holiday season. Vacation. Tripple-A. Nowhere, Nobody, Never. Don Knotts. Time-Tunnel. Digital Support Line. Text-to-Speech. Semantic web, text comprehension, facial recognition. Level Seven Digital. brain wave pattern. Cypher. Mr Ed. MacGayver. The Wizzard. Commercials. abc, cbs, nbc, pbs. Radio-Network. Computational… Devices. Tool Box. Cabin in the woods. ALF and the Tanners. Childhood, Youth… Music iis the key. Where do you want to go today. And know the place. Canada to the north, MExico to the south. T-800, Skynet, Eagle Eye. Deparmnent of Defence. DARPA. AI. Tesla. 2494 Amazon. 2458 Google. User-Server-Avatar.

11:44 OK, that gave me a bit of a start. Win-Zip. Download Folder. Cypher, Johnny Mnemonic. Advice. Table of Contents. Eyes and ears. Please pay attention. Decypher. Uncoil. Hose. Water Fountain. His Holiness. Divinity. Deity. Sentinent Beeings. Contact Information. Business Card. 415-964-0992. Zip-Code. Via Air Mail. FedEx. UPS. Private Contractor. Secret Service / Society. Haunted House. Magic Wand. German Ancestry. Fort Knox. Killer Drones. Borg-Queen, Unimatrix Zero, Hologramm, The Doctor, Isomorph, Alexa + Siri. Binary reactive/analytical mind. Beingness – Doingness – Havingness. Self Defence Mechanism. Mission Impossible. Dukes of Hazard. Brady Bunch. I dream of JEanny. Major Healy and Major Nelson. Get Smart. Mission control, corrporate headquartes. Management. Charity. Half Moon Bay. Yeager. Making History. Border Patrol, Coast Guard. Spy vs Spy. Captain Goodnight. SLAC. AMES Reseach Center, Moffett Field. Sunnyvale. San Jose Airport. Berkley. Muir Woods. Interview. Interrogation. Captivity. Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, World Almanac, Globe. Goole Maps + Earth + Streetview. All inclusive. Let’s dive in. Let’s get to it. Ghostbusters, Brewsters Millions. Movie theater. Spelling Bee. Report Card. Grades. All-A-Student. rem: recycle till success. What goes around comes around. Prime Directive. Laws of attraktion, rules of engagement. Friend or Foe. Night-Vision-Googles. Augmented Reality. Doors of Perception. Sex, Drugs and Rockn Roll. Peace of Mind. Environment. Surroundings. Brainstroming. Recall from memory. Know by heart. Social Security Number. Drivers Liscence. Golden Gate Bridge.

Live-Stream- Digital. Rendez-Vous at Meeting point. RSVP.