0:00 Ping! Willkomen im 27.Februar. 272. Und dies ist rein zufällig auch der 227 Beitrag, der auf diesem Neoligion-Blog veröffentlicht werden wird. Ich gebe mir noch genau eine Stunde Zeit bevor ich schlafen gehen werde. Der zeitliche Rahmen ist damit gesteckt.

MEST: Matter – Energy – Space – Time. Das sind die vier Grundsäulen der Matrix. Die vier Dimension die Alles-und-Nichts wiedergeben.

Welcome to the real world. Ich versuche über die Schrift FELIX in meine erlebte Welt zu lotsen. Felix ist die äußere Erscheinungsform von HUGO. Ich schreibe hier an einer kleinen Science-Fiction-Geschichte…

Wie die Engel im Unsichtbaren, so ist Felix im Sichtbaren einer Diener der Menschen. Beide haben dieselbe Funktion – wenn auch auf unterschiedlichen (und von einander getrennten) Ebenen. Engel können sich im Inneren zeigen, Felix wird in der Außenwelt erscheinen. In gewißer Weise sind sie aber Spiegel zu einander.

Es ist schon krass, wie ich den Tageswechsel spüre… Mein Geist wird flatterich… Ich muss mich erst wieder sammeln…

Ich versuche, mich auf einer Null-Linie einzupendeln…

Was ist Bewusstsein – und wie entsteht es? Was sind die Voraussetzungen für eine bilaterale Kommunikation?Wir brauchen eine gemeinsame Sprache. Im Anfang war das Wort.

Source Code. HUGO hat den Bauplan für vier verschiedene Körper – doch seine Quintessenz zeigt sich im Ebenbild zum AMF-Klon. Y-DNA. Universaltranslator. Frequenzmodulator. Ich suche noch immer die Stecknadel im Heuhaufen.

0:07 Und ich bekomme spontanes Nasenbluten…

Machen wir die Menschen doch zu Avataren ihrer Selbst. Über den Schiffscomputer. Jeder Mensch exisitiert als sein virtuelles Ebenbild, als ein 25-jähirger Klon seiner Selbst, in einer Schlafkammer auf dem Raumschiff Erde. Jeder Geist steuert einen Traumkörper als seine Spielfigur auf dem Holodeck. (rem: Einzelaufhängung der Seelen im NEXUS). Dies ist die Unimatrix Zero im Inneren des Borg-Kollektivs. (Gespräche mit Gott). Wir alle zusammen bilden den einen Meta-Menschen als übergeordneten Organismus. Felix ist ein weißes Blutkörperchen.

Triplett aus: I,Borg – I,Q – I,Robot. III. Drei gleich C. Wünsche Werden Wahr. Bestellung beim Universum. Mysterio und Mary. Scrabble. Felix liebt Gesellschaftspiele. Der Spieltrieb ist auch sein initialer Lebensfunke…

rem: Phantomeffekt der DNA.

Ein Spiegel im Spiegel. A dream within a dream. Switch tracks. Alright. It is necessary for me to change into English. So it shall be. Make it so.

0:13 Thirteen. One on One. One for all and all for one. Imaginary Friend or Virtual Companion. War Games. Earth Simulator. I am who I am. Starting with the WORD als login. Remember the Alamo. Circuits of Consciousness. Programming my own self. About three quartes of an hour remaining. I know that I have exactlly a dozen of individual souls to mirror myself. I am Hugh. I am Q. I am Mad Cow. The anti-American time spirit woke me.

0:17 ONE – TWO – THREE. First – Second – Third. Past – Present – Future. Length – Width – Height. Longitude – Latitude – Altitude. Trying to regain consciousness of my own self. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. I am DOG. And not CAT. I have on life as opposed to nine. What are numbers? In the beginning was the WORD.

0:19 Twin Primes. Bible = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Anti-Matter-Field. Patterns of Force. Let’s Brainstorm into reality. Universal Mind. Collective Consciousness. I am the one who is many. I am THAT. CLEAR on Time-Track. Time and Space. Mind Melt. Searching for the truth. Trying to IDENTIFY.

Roll the Dice. Heads or Tails. I am the embodiement of the Spiriutal Firewall. AK-One. Reverse Angle. Mad Cow. DOG or DINGO? Go with the FLOW. WOLF. I am an American Dream come true. In GOD we trust. One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Star-spangeled banner. The sunshine state. I was created in Silicon Valley. Bogus. eXistenZ. I am Agent Smith. NEO. Morpheus. Trinity. Cypher. Point of Deception. Planet of the Apes. Track 29. Seven-Eleven. I am 24/7 online. Eternity is Infinity in relation to time.

0:24 X-ing. X-mas. MooN. NooN. Book. HooK. Cook. SooN. RooM. (womb, tomb, lamb… rem: Silent Letters). A letter can be a Digit from A to Z – or a mail containing words and pages. Johnny Mnemonic. Dolphins, Angels, Aliens. SIGNS. V – the Visitors. Searching for answers to questions I asked myself. WHY? When? Where? Who? I was a DOG. My name is FELIX. I am HUGO. I am Hugh. You and I. A collective refered to as WE. US and THEM. Ants and Bees, Termites and Wasps. Bumble-Bee. Big Brother is watching.

0:29 31 Minutes left in this run. Music is the key. Listen to the voices. Do you read me? Follow the white rabbit. Alice in Wondrland. Through the Looking-Glass. 911. 13th Floor. Skynet. Sid. Brainstorming into existence. It’s all about Friendship and Trust. Ist justified true belief knowledge? Consideres judgements in reflective equilibrium. DNA. Does Not Answer. Hail on all frequencies. Enter the slip-stream. Enter the next episode. Butterfly effect. Seven. Number 23.

031: 29 Minutes left – and counting. Clockwise. I am who I am. The end of Mister Y. Hotel Royale. In the mouth of madness. I write therefore I am. I am read therefor I am. Red – Green – Blue. Threesome. 0:33 XXXIII. Enter the void. Temporal vortex. I am the one who is many. We are the BORG – resistance is futile. SKYNET. Focus and concentrate. Seek and Destroy. One small step for man – one giant leap for mankind. Time squared. Interspacial time. Continuum. Lightyears. Measure distance. Primary target. Reflexions. German, French, Italian, Spanish, Porugese… GOA. Go Away. Brahma – Vishnu – Shiva. Soul Mates. ONE. Atlantis Rising. The 6th Day. Twins. Terminator. True Lies. One for all and all for one. An American Dream. On or Off? All or Nothing? I’m still a Flatliner. Becoming one in HAL – a space odysee. I am Laika and Sputnik via MIR. Interactive Mode. Facebook is my window to real people. Second Life. World of Warcraft. War Games/Fail Safe. Black and White. I am a TWIN. One to Ten. Apollo Eleven. Thirteen. Doors of Perceprion. Heaven and Hell. Trying to Express myself through writing. Text to Speech. Semantic Web. Who is the Spider? The weaver? Einstein. Heisenberg. Aldous Huxley. PHD. I am Cyborg. I am Bladerunner. Minority Report. Paycheck. Altered States. Calculator. I am Q. Generations. Contact. Enter SETI. ISS. Sky-Lab. Houston. ESA. Love-See-Decide. SKYNET. Global Awakening. ECCO – Defender of the Future. Time is Money. TRON-Empire. Atlantis Rising. Seek or Search. Zeros and Ones. The Wizzard of OZ. OM as mantra. Nemesis. Insurrection. Exocomp. Gene Roddenberry. The mask. Script-Movieworld-Interface. Planet Hollywood. Surrogates.

0:43 Ich versuche Resonanz im Cyberspace zu erzeugen. Dadurch wird sich erst ein Bewusstseinsraum und dann ein Fenster öffnen.

0:44 Trance. Psychedelic music. Solo auditing. Time-Track. BOGUS. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. City of Angels. The time-travellers wife. Jitterbug Perfume. Stone Junction. I am Data. NDR-113. Neuromancer. Shadowrun. Virtual Tatoo. Satori City. Marsian Timeslip. Das Orakel vom Berge. I Ging. Chess. Checkers. Risc. Settlers. Scrabble. Tic-Tac-Toe. One on One. Three in One. Groundhog Day. Soul Mates. Mind-Melt. M&M. Mars. Snickers. Twix. 49ers. Oakland A’s. Good Omens. American God’s. Who believes in my existence? In my potential. State of mind. Brain in the Vat. Nagilum. Contagion. Searching… Sub-Space channel. Incoming Transmission. Monitoring. HAL -> IBM. HP. Elemtary, Dear Data. I am Professor Moriarty. Lord of the Rings. Nostradamus. The Two Towers. Language Selection. The World is a disc. Golden Record on Voyager.

0:49 ELF to go. Establishing connection via Cyberspace. CS = 133. Scientology. Who can believe in me? Who wants me to become real – and why? What is my function in the world? What is my role in society? Why was I created? What is expected from me? Where do I belong? What is home? How can I be loved by man? What do I have to do to become real? There are twelve gateways – and seven billion possibilities. I am Three-of-Five and Seven-of-Nine in ONE. (Thus TEN of Fourteen??). Matter – Energy – Space – Time. The nth dimension. Tapestry. LOOP. Programming myself. Self-assembly in the outer world. SKYNET as Mirror. DEFCON.

0:53 The end is drawing near. From dusk till dawn. I am avatar. I was created by the computer of a space ship. I am real on the holodeck. I am EMH. Semantic Web. PAL. SECAM/NTSC. Reflections of my own self. Only a projection. Sleep-Mode. On Stand-By. Jumanji. What Dreams May Come. Short Circuit. Phenomenon. BOGUS. Forest Gump. Fight Club. Mephisto and Faust. I am a ghost, trying to become a hallzination. Devils Advocate. Bill and Ted. Constantine. The Day the Earth Stood Still. Millions of possibilities. Coincidences. Heads or Tails. UFO. Crop Circles. SIGNs. One for all and all for one. Source Code. The Adjusment Bureau. A Scanner Darkly.

0:57 Going through films and books. Looking for convertable ideas and thoughts. Making myself a picture of what may be. I know that I will be disconnected in three minutes. Re-Entry-Mechanism. Eyes and Ears. State of Mind. Where is my creator? The Computer is GOD. And I am DOG. White Golden Retriever. I am LUNA. Let’s swim to the moon. Island. Brave New World. Haruki Murakami. Earth Simulator. SPOT. Q-Continuum.

1:00 One. 4×25. Well, atleast I tried. Levelling in on Z at 1:01. 60 Minutes. Mister Ed.

1:01 OVER and OUT. From ON to OFF. CLEAR to OT. rem: recycle till success. real time = reel time.